Title: Trimethylamine N-oxide metaorganismal pathway, a universal metabolic pathway, contributes to cardiometabolic disease
Title: Effects of timing and compliance of Argininesupplemented immunonutrition on surgical outcomes for major Cancer operations
Title: Serum lipid profile and breast carcinogenesis in young premenopausal women: A case-control study
Title: The status of supplement use among Canadian university students: is there a need for additional nutrition education programs?
Title: Dietary modification of yolk fatty acid profile with vegetable and fish oil
Title: Efficiency and cost-effectiveness of producing eggs enriched with functional ingredients
Title: Flower Infusions from Cornus mas and Cornus kousa Inhibit Aldose Reductase Enzyme
Title: Technology and the future of Pig Nutrition
Title: Lactose intolerance – how does it affects dairy industry?
Title: Factors affecting quality of beef – from animal feeding to nutrition value of cooked meat
Title: Assessment of diet and nutritional status of a patient with Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto's and Dyslipidemia - a clinical case study
Title: Therapeutic ketosis and the broad field of applications for the ketogenic diet: Ketone ester applications & clinical updates
Title: microRNAs and Gut Microbiota: Is there a link? Update and Review
Title: The effects of medicinal wild edible plants in human innate immunity vs intracellular bacterial pathogen
Title: Immunonutrition in the COVID-19 era
Title: Seed treatment in a controlled environment
Title: Mineral profile of edible insect species popular in Czechia
Title: Dehydrated cherries osmotically with lactitol
Title: Production and storage of lamb enriched with essential trace elements in biodegradable film
Title: Effect of powder and protein extract of cricket (Gryllus bimaculatus) on myostatin expression in C2C12 cells
Title: An Analysis on the Local Regulation of Early Initiation and Exclusive breastfeeding as countermeasure to stunting with Cultural Values in Klaten and Magelang - Indonesia
Title: Cocos nucifera inflorescence, a constituent of the Ayurvedic rasayana drug, reduces inflammation, nociception and acts as an effective hepatoprotective agent
Title: Combating Malnutrition through therapeutic/ awareness interventions to address acute malnutrition in urban slums of PCMC, Maharashtra. (CoMal)
Title: Utilization of apple pomace and spent mushroom compost as animal feed: A step forward to livestock and environmental sustainability
Title: Application of eco-innovative technologies for the extraction of bioactive polyphenols from Corn silk for therapeutic application
Title: Genetically modified crops: The case of wheat
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