Title: Quinoa green leaves: A promising nutrient-rich vegetable to improve human health
Title: The remarkable impact of a ketogenic diet on brain health
Title: Using nutrition to optimize outcomes in connective tissue diseases
Title: What’s cooking in successful SLP practice? And key Ingredients in culinary nutrition & medicine
Title: The plant-based nutrition: How it’s going to help you lose weight and live a disease-free life
Title: Globalisation of ayurveda through evidence-based nutraceutical route
Title: The role of traditional plants: “Bridging ancient wisdom and modern medicine”
Title: The development of healthy eating habits from infancy into adulthood
Title: Molecular mechanism and possible nutritional approach for sarcopenia
Title: Nutrigenetics and precision nutrition as a tool for managing obesity and cardiovascular diseases
Title: The legal issues regarding the fop nutrition claims labelling for foods and catering products
Title: Novel effects of glucosamine on animal learning and memory functions
Title: 2014 Taiwan food and nutrition status indicator evaluation
Title: Nutritional status of iron and vitamin D in postpartum women in Taiwan
Title: Food supply and nutritional imbalance in Taiwan: Implications for dietary policy and sustainability
Title: Insights from elite athletes in Hong Kong about Eleutherococcus senticosus tea
Title: Potential for detecting food adulteration using spectral techniques
Title: Benefits of table olives, an important part of the Mediterranean diet, in human nutrition
Title: Effect of maternal nutrition on offspring ageing: Importance of microbiota and probiotics
Title: Absence of gut microbiota alleviates iron overload-induced colitis by modulating ferroptosis in mice
Title: Regulation of aquatic characteristic matrix on metabolism of uric acid
Title: Deciphering the remarkable potential of dark tea against metabolic syndrome
Title: Decoding nutrition: Parent's awareness and understanding of food labels
Title: Nutritional approach and early detection of stunting in Indonesia
Title: Dietary total antioxidant capacity and risk of cancer
Title: A surveyon nutritional status in elderly with diabetes
Title: Impact of maternal methyl donor nutrients on TBX2 and TBX3 expression in offspring mammary tumors
Title: Social economic factors associated with the nutritional status of children in Western Uganda
Title: Nutritional composition and sensory characteristics of breast meat from different chickens
Title: Nutrition and disease prevention: Cutting-edge research and evidence-based strategies
Title: Fortification of maize – ogi using cowpea and soybean as supplements in infant feeding
Title: Food environments in the Pacific Region and efforts to improve them: A systematic scoping review
Title: Formulation of seaweed (Gracilaria Edulis) and rice flour incorporated healthy
Title: Effects of Manuka honey eye drops among patients diagnosed with adenoviral conjunctivitis
Title: Typology of consumption of Vigna unguiculata and nutritional potential
Title: Food value addition: A window to healthier food value chain and sustainable environment