Title: Role of Dietary Zinc in the Development, Prevention, & Treatment of Depression
Title: Beans and bean-containing products: knowledge and attitude among university students
Title: Edible wild plants embody healthy and sustainable food for the future
Title: Study of potential synergistic effect of probiotic formulas in food toxin reduction
Title: Grain processing in general and Rice Technology in specific
Title: New approaches in exploring the potential of agro biomass for food and nutraceutical applications
Title: Exploration of Cassia fistula L. seed mucilage as a natural biopolymer
Title: Skimmed coconut milk culture-based fermentation method for production of virgin coconut oil
Title: Bio-processing of agro-wastes for economic chevon production
Title: Programmatic considerations of maternal overweight and obesity in Sri Lanka
Title: Nutritional approaches for practical suggestions in fertility
Title: Fermentation potentials of baobab Adansonia digitata pulp powder in yoghurt production
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