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7th Edition of

International Nutrition Research Conference

March 27-29, 2025 | Singapore

Nutri 2023

In terms of nutritional value: Safe and sustainable beekeeping from the hive to the table

Speaker at Nutri 2023 2023 - Yasin Ozdemir
Ataturk Horticultural Central Research Institute, Turkey
Title : In terms of nutritional value: Safe and sustainable beekeeping from the hive to the table


In this work, it has been tried to examine the main production steps of bee products from the hive to the table in terms of increasing the nutritional value and health beneficial effects. Consumers rightly regard bee products as functional foods and expect preventive and/or therapeutic effects from diseases. However, where and how these products are produced can greatly change these effects. When bee products are mentioned, honey, propolis and bee pollen come to mind first. Since all of these products can be sold at high prices, fraud and quality appear as issues to be considered in these products. In addition, honey, propolis and pollen diversity show significant differences both in terms of nutritional physiology and sales price of the products. The inspection of these products is carried out by the relevant authorities by taking samples and making analyses within the scope of the relevant legislation. However, establishing monitoring systems in terms of both quality, food safety and sustainability may yield more beneficial results. In terms of nutritional physiology, it is important that honey is produced in the environment of which plants. For example, if the chestnut pollen rate limit specified in the legislation is met as a result of pollen analysis in honey produced in an environment where chestnut trees are dense, this honey can be offered for sale as chestnut honey. In general, each type of honey has its own beneficial effects. However, secretory honeys such as chestnut honey or pine honey can be offered for sale at higher prices due to both less availability and more specific health effects. In this respect, providing a recording system starting from the hive will reduce the possibility of cheating and increase the quality of honey. An example of this is the "Safe and Sustainable Beekeeping Project from the Hive to the Table", which is being carried out under the leadership of the Yalova Provincial Beekeepers' Association with the support of the East Marmara Development Agency. In this project, it is planned to produce bee products within the scope of ISO22000 and ISO9001 systems until they reach the consumer from the hive. It is important in terms of food safety, quality and nutrition to record bee feeds, hive locations, hive, bee and honey production amounts up-to-date. In addition, the use of natural components such as bee cake and bee sugar, which will strengthen the immune systems of bees in the baits used in the diet of bees during the winter months, may ensure that the bees do not need to be sprayed in the future. In this way, the potential to increase honey yield occurs and the risk of drug residue contamination is reduced. Packaging and storage conditions after the production process can affect the composition of bee products.

Audience Take Away:

  • Main bee product production steps and their effects on healthy nutrition of consumer.
  • Selection of bee product can be done can be done more accurately.
  • Nutritionists will be able to have an idea about different types of honey and its effects, and they will be able to work on these issues in the future.
  • Practical information will be provided for producers, control officers, nutrition consultants and consumers.


Yasin Ozdemir studied Food Engineering at the Ege University, Turkey and graduated as MS in 2004. He received her PhD degree in 2011 at the Namık Kemal University. During PhD studies he started to work in Ataturk Horticultural Central Research Institute. He has 3 process patent and 2 national award in his scientific study area. He is currently leading 4 national research project which supported by Republic of Türkiye Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry, General Directorate of Agricultural Research and Politics (TAGEM) and 5 private sector supported food technology projects. Dr. Ozdemir also take parts as a researcher in international project focused on bioaccesibility and food science/technology. He published more than 10 research articles in SCI(E) journals and more than 100 article in international journals and congress proceedings.
