Title : Fray Botod: Assessment of the dietary, lifestyle, occupational and religious factors associated with the nutritional status among Catholic parish priests in Iloilo city
Fray Botod’s obesity is a central symbol in Lopez Jaena’s narrative, representing the friars’ excessive indulgence in food, drink, and other pleasures. The study investigates factors contributing to the nutritional status of Catholic priests in Iloilo City. This cross-sectional study used structured questionnaires and anthropometric measurements to collect data. The study population comprised male Catholic Parish Priests in Iloilo City, aged between 40 and 65 years. Descriptive statistics were used. Correlational analysis and ordinal logistic regression identified factors affecting nutritional status. Key findings include a high prevalence of overweight and obesity, with 53.33% of the respondents classified as are overweight and 46.67% obese according to Asian criteria for Body Mass Index. Significant relationships were found between nutritional status and health perception, life satisfaction, and physical activity. This suggests that the issue of obesity among parish priests may be a genuine concern rather than an exaggeration. The historical stereotype of friars as overly indulgent is challenged by these results. These findings prompt an assessment of the cultural narratives and emphasize the need for evidence-based approaches to understand their health behaviors accurately.