HYBRID EVENT: You can participate in person at Singapore or Virtually from your home or work.

7th Edition of

International Nutrition Research Conference

March 27-29, 2025 | Singapore

Nutri 2025

Anti-obesity activities of Aloe vera

Speaker at International Nutrition Research Conference 2025 - Mohammad Kamil
Lotus Holistic Healthcare Institute, United Arab Emirates
Title : Anti-obesity activities of Aloe vera


Several papers and reviews have been written on the pharmacological potential of Aloe vera L. and its Uses described in pharmacopoeias and traditional systems of medicine: Aloe Vera Gel is widely used for the external treatment of minor wounds and inflammatory skin disorders. Aloe latex is known for its laxative properties. The gel is used in the treatment of minor skin irritations, including burns, bruises, and abrasions. Hematological study showed a significant increase in HB & PLT as compared to the control values. The biochemical parameters did not record any changes in the animals of the treated animals as compared with the control except for the  significant elevation of BUN. The weight change studies showed from day 1 to day 18 that the animal has lost weight as compared to the control values. A significant body weight reduction has been recorded on day 14 only. Further studies are needed for a longer period of treatment. Details of experimentation will be dealt


Mohammad Kamil, M.Sc.; M.Phil. Ph.D.; D.Sc.; C.Chem. Chartered Chemist (London); Fellow of Royal Society of Chemistry (London). He worked in various capacities, as In-charge -Drug Lab.(CCRUM), MOH India, Professor at Hamdard University, India; Head Department of Pharmacognostic Science, and Head TCAM Research (ZCHRTM) from 1996-2020. Presently he is working as Director General, Lotus Holistic Institute, Abu Dhabi, UAE. He had recipient of many awards viz Young Scientist’s Award, India; Common Wealth Award-London; Convention Award of Chemical Society-India; Academic Exchange Fellowship from Association of Common Wealth Universities- London; Global Award on Unani Medicine, India; Sheikh Zayed International Award in Herbal Research (2020). More than 580 research papers in reputed journals & presentations at international conferences are at his credit.
