Title : Benefits of table olives, an important part of the Mediterranean diet, in human nutrition
Table olives are one of the main fermented foods in Mediterranean countries and form an essential part of the Mediterranean diet, as well as the diets of many non-olive-producing countries. With increasing consumer demand for foods that promote health, prevent disease, and enhance overall well-being, interest in table olives has risen significantly in recent years. Table olives are a nutritious food primarily composed of water, fat, and carbohydrates. They are an excellent source of oleic acid (a monounsaturated fatty acid, also known as omega-9), as well as dietary fiber, amino acids, the potent antioxidant vitamin E, iron, copper, and other essential minerals. Furthermore, olives are a rich source of phenolic compounds, which are associated with powerful anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial, antiviral, and antinociceptive properties. The disease-preventing benefits of table olives are largely attributed to their unique fatty acid profile and the presence of bioactive components such as tocopherols, carotenoids, phospholipids, triterpenic acids, and biophenols. When included as part of a well-balanced and nutritious diet, olives and olive-based products offer protective effects against various chronic diseases. The health benefits of olives have been demonstrated across multiple systems in the body, including the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, musculoskeletal, immune, inflammatory, and digestive systems. This review focuses on the active compounds present in table olives and examines in detail their contribution to human health.
Audience Take Away:
All the table olive sector will be able to use that they learn. In recent years, the benefits of olives and olive oil to human health have been included in many studies. The benefits for blood pressure, cardiovascular diseases, and digestive system disorders are primarily stated in these studies. Viewers will benefit from this information and increase olive consumption both in themselves and in their social circles. Thus, they will benefit their health in their long lives.
Viewers will have information about benefits of table olive in human nutrition. Thus, it will make a positive contribution to the table olive production of enterprises.
Yes. this research is research that other faculty members can use to expand their research or teaching. This research shows that table olive is very beneficial product for human health.
This study will improve the viewers' knowledge about table olives.
Table olives are the most popular fermented vegetable of the Western world, and cannot be seperated from the Mediterranean diet (together with olive oil). Customers are accordingly turning their attentions towards foods with health-promoting properties as promising tools in disease prevention and health maintenance.