Title : Nutritional quality, growth and hematological parameters of “Soy-Ogi” fortified with Justicia Secunda leaf extract in 2-Butoxyethanol induced rats- A complementary diets
Seeking nutritional alternatives as a means of decreasing morbidity and improving quality of life among sickle cell anemia patients necessitated this study. The protein quality, erythropoietic and anti-depranocytosis potentials of complementary foods developed from yellow maize, soy beans, and methanolic extract of Justicia secunda (J.s) leaf extract was evaluated using rat model. The test diets were as follows: FDA: Soybean’s flour (30%), Ogi (69.99%), J.s Extract (0.01%); FDB: Soybean’s flour (30%), Ogi (69 %), J.s Extract 1%); FDC: Soybean’s flour (30%) and Ogi (70%), J.s Extract (0%). Sixty Wistar albino rats were grouped into 12 groups of five rats per group. Drepranocytotic assaults was achieved on group nine to twelve by 250 mg/kg of 2-Butoxyethanol administered for 2 days, the clinical observation revealed a dark purple-red discoloration on the distal tails of the rats and therapeutic applications followed with administration of diets for 21 days. Casein and normal rat chow served as positive controls, while basal diet and ogi served as negative controls. The proximate and mineral composition of the diets as while as the growth, protein quality, haematological, serum parameters and gene expression of selected tissues of animals fed the diets were determined using standard protocol. The protein, fat, carbohydrate, moisture, ash, fiber content and energy value of diets ranged from 7.97 - 22.38%, 5.32 - 19.58 %, 44.98 - 77.63 %, 1.83 - 8.01 %, 0.51 - 5.06 %, 0.80 - 1.9 % and 390.29 - 468.84 Kcal/100g respectively. The weight gained, biological values (BV) and Packed cell volume ranged from 13.00 g - 30.10 g, 12.34% - 80.51%, and 14 % - 44.25 % respectively. ALT, AST, ALP, creatinine and bilirubin content of the treated groups were significantly different from the control (s)at p < 0.05. The gene expression shows upregulation of erythropoietin (EPO) and erythropoietin- receptor (EPO-R) in the kidney and bone marrow respectively in the group fed diet FDA and FDB relative to the control. The study suggests that the formulated diets could be suitable to manage malnutrition and attenuate sickle cell anemia symptoms in children, however further clinical studies are recommended to validate this study.
Keywords: Biological value, Erythropoietin, Justicia secunda sickle cell anaemia.
Abbreviation: Aspartate aminotransferase (AST), Alanine aminotransferase (ALT), Alkaline phosphatase (ALP).