Nutrigenomics studies how diets interact with our genes to influence our health. It's a branch of nutrition where molecular technologies like DNA tests are utilised to learn about people's food responses. Nutritional genomics, also known as nutrigenetics, is the discipline that investigates and describes gene variants linked to variable responses to specific nutrients, as well as linking this variation to diseases such as cardiovascular disease (CVD) linked to obesity. Nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics have a lot of potential for improving dietary guidance for the general population, genetic subgroups, and individuals. Because nutrigenetics and nutrigenomics necessitate a thorough understanding of nutrition, genetics, biochemistry, and ever-evolving 'omic' technologies, it can be difficult for even the most educated professionals to grasp their significance in the practise of preventive approaches for enhancing health, delaying disease onset, and reducing disease severity.
Title : Understanding the mechanisms underlying the protective actions of nutraceuticals in heart disease and other inflammatory disorders
Dipak P Ramji, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Title : The remarkable impact of a ketogenic diet on brain health
Amy Gutman, AdventHealth, United States
Title : The lipid-heart hypothesis and the dietary guidelines: Does the evidence support low dietary fat and saturated fat?
Mary T Newport, Independent Researcher, United States
Title : Therapeutic potential of therapeutic potential of AI Diet in the treatment of adolescent Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) girls
Malgorzata Mizgier, Poznan University of Physical Education, Poland
Title : Using nutrition to optimize outcomes in connective tissue diseases
Neha Bhanusali, University of Central Florida, United States
Title : Globalisation of ayurveda through evidence-based nutraceutical route
Dilip Ghosh, Nutriconnect, Australia