Physical strength, mobility, endurance, hearing, vision, and cognitive capacities are all enhanced by a good diet. Nutrition education is an important component of a comprehensive health education programme because it equips children with the knowledge and skills, they need to make appropriate food and beverage choices. Any combination of learning experiences aimed to support the voluntary adoption of eating and other nutrition-related behaviours beneficial to health and well-being is referred to as nutrition education. It is an important aspect of delivering dietary assistance to the elderly. Nutrition education encompasses not just learning about foods and nutrients, but also learning what to do and how to act in order to enhance one's diet. Nutrition education aids in the development of people's abilities to properly feed themselves and their families, obtain the right foods at the right prices, prepare healthy foods and meals that they enjoy, recognise and resist poor food choices, and teach their children and others about healthy eating.
Title : Understanding the mechanisms underlying the protective actions of nutraceuticals in heart disease and other inflammatory disorders
Dipak P Ramji, Cardiff University, United Kingdom
Title : Quinoa green leaves: A promising nutrient-rich vegetable to improve human health
Safiullah Pathan, Lincoln University of Missouri, United States
Title : The development of healthy eating habits from infancy into adulthood
Andrea Maier Noth, University Albstadt Sigmaringen, Germany
Title : Globalisation of ayurveda through evidence-based nutraceutical route
Dilip Ghosh, Nutriconnect, Australia
Title : The legal issues regarding the fop nutrition claims labelling for foods and catering products
Vintila luliana, University ”Dunarea de Jos” Galati, Romania, Romania
Title : Pharma (Illness) to Nutra (Wellness): A new model in healthcare industry
Dilip Ghosh, Nutriconnect, Australia